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CASI stuff

CASI Level 4 Riding Standard - Allround Snow School Review

by Jake_이종욱 2024. 11. 6.



Hi all,

this is a brief explanation about CASI level 4 riding standard. 

As some of you mught be aware,

level 4 is the highest one in Canadian system

and surely requires specific amount of excellence.

No matter what the snow conditions, slope angles or types are,

you should be able to demonstrate CASI's core and advanced competances as a level 4 candidate. 

I would like to go through CASI's video with you,

share some info about it and remind myself what to expect.


1. Corridor run

nothing changed,

just should be able to mix carving and sliding to achieve both expert speed and maximum corridor usage.  


2. Short turns

prepare to ride on a pretty steep, I mean, steeeeeep run.

you will experience unimaginable acceleration so send your body to the next destination constantly and quickly.

all the delicate movements must be excecuted at the precise timing.  


3. Medium turns

Make more mileage on your switch for sure!

Basically no body should be able to distinguish which one your dominant way is. 


4. Free Run in bumpy terrain or moguls

aka short turns on mogul fields.

First of all, work out harder and ride more often on steep ugly bumps. 

your thighs need to get as big as possible otherwise you will get knocked out.

And then think about using terrain for more efficient power transfer. 


5. Freestyle

once again, 

both ways matter.

Do basics on your switch until you feel great about it,

then nail 360s on both side at least. 

get used to slide on various types of boxes and rails.


6. Large turns (Carving)

as a Korean rider,

this is a piece of cake.

even if you make a couple of mistakes, 

you are still higher than the standard. 


I have taken my first level 4 exam last winter, and looking forward to challenging again as conditions permitting.

Snowboarding is for sure all about challenging.

please come and learn what you can achieve, something not too easy, not too hard.

I am here to help you set up the right goal and give you tips to get there. 

Only those who tried and accomplished know this feeling, and life gets better from that moment. 

Let me share the spirit!!! :)
