Instructor Jake19 Plain, not Spicy, Duck Stance Carved Turn! Duck stance carved turns at Konjiam Resort, Korea. It is a bit unique style of riding in Korea because most of riders choose to set up their bindings forward-stance. But no matter what setup you are going with, we are born to carve on the snow! :) 2021. 2. 20. Snowboard Lesson in Korea - Is It Okay To Feel Thrilled While Making Sliding Turns? hello everyone, I am dropping another edits of snowboarding in Korea. While I don't teach, I am trying to produce as many videos as possible so don't forget to subscribe and check my Youtube channel frequently. This can be called 'sliding short turns special', I think? I personally enjoy making rhythmical short radius turns as quick as possible, so watch till the end for the.. 2021. 1. 26. Konjiam Resort, Korea Night Snowboarding Shorts edits of myself riding in the night at Konjiam Resort, Korea! This ski resort is located pretty close to Seoul and maintaining great snow condition compared to other resorts around, which makes it possible to snowboard in a pleasant surroundings any time, any day. Looking for a snowboard lesson? Check the notice! :) 20/21 Snowboard Lesson in .. 2021. 1. 10. Being in a rut sucks | Vivaldi park | Sliding turns | Snowboarding in Korea | instructor in training hi guys, here is another clip of me riding at Vivaldi Park, Korea. There were a couple more of slopes open, and I was really stoked to finally hit some intermediate/advanced terrain. there is no such thing as natural bumps or powder, natural objects such as rocks, trees and cliffs in Korea but this fact makes it possible to learn snowboarding in the safest environment in the.. 2020. 12. 30. 20/21 the very first day of snowboarding at Vivaldi Park Hey all! Korean snow sports season has finally begun and I couldn't resist to hit the slope as early as possible. So even if there was only 1 skiable bunny hill, I went, I rode, I made the most of it. As more advanced terrain become available, Let me show you some dynamic riding as time goes by. Till then, cheers :) * check the lesson notice below if you are interested in ta.. 2020. 12. 5. Snowboard Lesson in Korea (Konjiam resort, Vivaldi Park, Pyeongchang Phoenix Park) - Instructor Jake's Korea Kings Edit Hey everybody, this is Jake Lee teaching snowboarding in Korea, at Konjiam Resort, Vivaldi Park and Pyeongchang Phonix Park. I have another edits to drop to you! So this is about Korea Kings, Jump training facility made of artificial plastic brush and air matt landing. I have practiced snowboarding and freestyle moves at Korea Kings for a several years since its opening. Sad.. 2020. 11. 23. 이전 1 2 3 4 다음