Hey everybody,
this is Jake Lee teaching snowboarding in Korea, at Konjiam Resort, Vivaldi Park and Pyeongchang Phonix Park.
I have another edits to drop to you!
So this is about Korea Kings, Jump training facility made of artificial plastic brush and air matt landing.
I have practiced snowboarding and freestyle moves at Korea Kings for a several years since its opening.
Sadly it is going to be a memory to cherish...
Korea Kings has shut down permenantly since Nov. 15, 2020.
I tried to make the most of my last visit
by taking some footage, sharing my routine there and some tips for freestyle riding especially 180s' and 360s'.
Unfortunately there is no Eng subtitles yet,
I will be working on it sooner or later.
Let me know if you are interested in understanding what I am trying to deliver
then it will come sooner! :D